Monday, May 18, 2009

What's wrong with your voice?

There's a phenomenon in Korea called "aegyo".  Which can be dscribed as "acting cute".  Actually, I'm not sure if people outside of Korea would call it "acting cute".

Aegyos are performed using extremely whiny voice and prolonging the ends of their sentences.. also, sometimes the speech is gibberish like baby talk and accompanied by physical clinginess.  Both guys and girls do aegyos to try and appear cute so that they can get something they want from somebody of the other sex or somebody older.

Some guys just die seeing some girls do aegyos.  Especially when the girls call them "oppa", which means "big brother".  I'm not a fan of aegyos.  I find it annoying.  It CAN be cute.. if a cute girl does it.  It is NOT cute if a guy does it.. nor is it cute when a girl whose image does not fit "cute" does it.  It makes me cringe when I see a girl who makes those squeaky whiny voices and thinks it's actually cute.

People not familiar with Korean culture or some other Asian cultures will have very little idea what I'm talking about.  I myself haven't really experienced it firsthand until I got here.

I think they oughta restrict people from doing aegyos.  They should only license those who are qualified to do aegyos... cute girls, kids ages 7 and down.

Umm... no.  Don't make me poke your eyes out.


  1. Ah-ha! Somebody found my blog by Googling "asian girls whiny voice"... Evidence that this is indeed an anomaly outside of Asia..

  2. No hard feelings, but the guys on the pic look soooooooooo gay ;)
    But I guess such things are inevitable - I see the emos around me everyday. Trust me, it's worse than those aegyo-things =)

  3. I actually really love aegyo. Some people can just do it better than others.

  4. I hope all guys think same as you.
    I am one of the victims for not doing any aegyo.
    Girls who are good at it, while i was stiffly standing, took many chances away from me!
